The play was full of filthy foul language. 这部戏充斥着猥亵粗俗的语言。
Fowler? s book is full of example Java language code. Fowler的书里满是Java语言代码的例子。
Although this is one of the functions of XQuery, you can also use it as a full programming language without using an XML database. 尽管这是XQuery的功能之一,但您也可以将其用作一个完整的编程语言而不使用XML数据库。
The language is limited in that you do not have the flexibility of a full language environment such as PHP or Perl, but you do have the ability to record information into variables, perform basic calculations, and support basic decision making. 这种语言不具备PHP或Perl等完整语言环境的灵活性,但是可以使用它在变量中记录信息、执行基本的计算和支持基本的决策。
Make full use of minority language advantage, such as Farsi translation, Arabic translation etc. 作口译给说不同语言人充当口译充分发挥各小语种优势,如波斯语翻译、拉伯语翻译等。
At the time it was the most full featured programming language on the JVM outside of Java. 那时除了Java,Jython就是JVM上功能特性最全面的编程语言了。
Why not just use a full scripting language, with a large library and which has been proven successful for huge numbers of sites. 为什么不干脆用一个完整的脚本语言,再加上一个庞大的库呢?已经有巨大数量的网站证明了这种脚本语言的成功。
Support the full complement of Java language constructs, like annotations at the source level 支持全部的Java语言结构,比如源码级的注解
This module is not designed to test the full range of formal language skills required for academic purposes on courses of one year or more. 培训类考试不适用于那些想去学习一年或一年以上课程并需要测试全面语言水平的考生。
Chinese teachers understand that collegial interaction and support are necessary to develop their full potential as effective language teachers. 汉语老师懂得,要全面发展优秀语言教师的潜质,学院之间的交流和支持是很必要的。
The Go language on Google App Engine is a subset of the full Go language, avoiding the unsafe and syscall libraries, but including AppEngine specific APIs such as DataStore, Blobstore and so on. GAE上的Go语言是整个Go语言的一个子集,没有unsafe和syscall库,但是包括了AppEngine特定的API,比如DataStore、Blobstore等等。
The Connected Edition VM is JDK6 compatible and, with the exception of floating point, supports the full Java language including annotations and generics. ConnectedEdition虚拟机兼容于JDK6,除了浮点数以外支持所有的Java语言特性包括注解和泛型。
Full immersion in the language is the fastest way to learn and learn well. 在语言中充足的沉浸是好好地学习和最快学好的方式。
They are working-hour chamberlains for those ignorant foreigner in those unfamiliar places full of strangers and language barriers. 他们是工作时间中的贴身管家,在人生地不熟语言不通的土地上,老外就是脑残。
The movie is full of language so vulgar it should have been edited. 电影充满着粗俗的语言,应予剪辑。
None of the Java presentation frameworks like JSF, JSP/ JSTL, Struts, Velocity, have the flexibility or library capabilities of a full scripting language. Java表现框架如JSF、JSP/JSTL、Struts、Velocity,没有一个能达到完整的脚本语言的灵活性和库能力。
Indeed, the study to the advertising language, a crucial part of social language, can help us see the full view of language development. 的确,广告语言作为社会用语的重要组成部分,对它的研究有助于我们观察语言发展的全貌。
The understanding of how and when lexical fossilization in second language acquisition comes into being is very difficult without the full knowledge of second language lexical development. 如果对第二语言词汇发展没有透彻的认识就根本无法理解第二语言习得中的词汇固化是怎样形成的以及何时产生的。
What are the barriers to the full comprehension of humor language? 第五章为了重点回答如下的两个问题:1.阻碍幽默作品理解的障碍有哪些?
Full natural language database access requires support of both query and update capability. 一个完全的自然语言数据库的存取通常需要既支持查询,也需要支持更新。
In classroom teaching, harmonious communicative relationship between teacher and students can be built by making full use of body language. 在课堂中充分借助体态语进行教学,可以使师生间建立融洽的交流关系。
To pay attention to the training of students 'practical ability and make full use of the language as a communicative means is the aim of A New Course of College English and also its compiling feature. 注重培养学生的应用能力,使语言充分发挥其交际工具的作用,是《新编大学英语》的宗旨,也是它的编写特色。
Moreover, a vocal music teacher should hammer-harden and accumulate his teaching language himself through teaching practice so as to make full use of teaching language and obtain perfect teaching purpose. 声乐教师在教学实践中要不断锤炼和积累自己的教学语言,以最大限度地发挥教学语言的作用,达到理想的教学效果。
In the novel Barthelme gave full play to language by using parody and collage. 在小说中,唐纳德·巴塞尔姆进行了大胆的语言试验,采用了戏仿,拼贴等手段。
"Accumulation Study" chiefly indicates the full accumulation of language material in stronger knowledge and higher use value, by way of the good study habit of the students like making notes and writing daries. 积累学习主要是指通过学生良好的学习习惯的培养,如做笔记、写日记等,达到对具有较强知识性和较高使用价值的语言材料的充分积累。
It is without any doubt that fiction as a form of narrative is full of language which can bring some artistic functions. 当然我们不能否认的是小说作为一种叙事形式,是由语言构成的,并且这些语言的使用给小说带来了很多艺术效果。
The last part, on the basis of full understanding the Chinese language teaching in Philippines and the Chinese characters teaching, from the view of the Philippines Chinese students 'Chinese characters errors, proposed some improvement ideas and teaching methods. 最后一部分,在对菲律宾华语教学以及汉字教学充分了解的基础上,从菲律宾华裔学生的汉字偏误出发,针对华语综合课的汉字教学,提出了一些自己的改进意见和教学方法。
When select the expansion term for query term, we full use of the language component, the polysemy and ambiguity of natural language words, and consider the limited of context of semantics, and so on. 该方法在对查询选取扩展词时充分利用了语言成分以及自然语言词汇具有多义性和歧义性,并且考虑了上下文对语义的限定等因素。
Ancient Chinese landscape painting in the full application of decorative language, based on the creation of a large number of immortal art, has a very high aesthetic value. 中国历代山水画家在充分应用装饰性语言的基础上,创造了大量不朽的艺术珍品,具有极高的审美价值。
The waveform window full uses of Chinese language interface. 波形显示窗口采用全中文界面,清晰、简洁、易观察和操作。